Where Can I Find My Immunization Records in Florida


New Student Requirements

UCF has partnered with Med+Proctor for immunization compliance and verification.  Please watch the video below to learn more about the immunization requirements and how to set up your Med+Proctor profile to submit your records.  Please note all students regardless of age must complete and return the immunization form to be reviewed for compliance by Med+Proctor. You will not be able to register for classes without completing this requirement.

We recommend you start this process early so that you will be able to register for classes during your orientation session. If you cannot locate your record, the UCF Immunizations Department may be able to assist you.  In the event you are missing any of the requirements or cannot locate your record, the UCF Student Health Center also offers competitively priced vaccines and blood titer testing to check for immunity.  We accept in-network health insurance plans. Please contact us via email at immunizations@ucf.edu for assistance.

For more information on Immunizations, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.

Click here to register for your Med+Proctor Account.

You will use your UCF NID and password. This ID contains 2 letters and 6 numbers. If you do not know your UCF NID, please visit my.ucf.edu and click on "What is my NID?" underneath the sign in button. You can click "Password Reset" if you do not know your password.

UCF Online Only Students

Except where noted, students enrolled in solely online limited programs are not required to submit proof of immunizations. However, all students must submit the Mandatory Immunization Health History form, along with the completed waivers for Meningitis and Hepatitis B.

The waivers include signing and dating the declination statement below Section A. This does not apply to students whose program offers on-campus courses but chooses to complete the degree online without being admitted into the UCF Online program. If you are unsure if this applies to you, please contact the UCF Online programs at http://www.ucf.edu/online/ or 855-903-8576.

COVID-19 Vaccine Recommendations

We strongly advise all eligible students, faculty, and staff to get vaccinated.

Persons who become infected with Covid will be required to isolate.  Persons who are not vaccinated and are exposed to Covid may require quarantine.

There are three, no-cost, widely available vaccines in the US. On Aug. 23, the FDA granted full approval to Pfizer's vaccine, which is available at the UCF Health Center.

To get your Pfizer vaccine at the health center,  students and established patients may use online appointment scheduling. You may also call 407-823-2701.  Walk-ups are also accepted.

If you are currently away from campus, there are still plenty of opportunities for you to get vaccinated. Use this COVID-19 vaccine locator to find a place near you.

For more content on the COVID Vaccine at UCF, visit https://www.ucf.edu/coronavirus/vaccines/

Meningitis & Hepatitis B Information

UCF is required to inform you of two potential health risks: Meningitis and Hepatitis B.

Meningitis is an infection of the fluid of the spinal cord and brain, caused by a virus or bacteria and usually spread through the exchange of respiratory and throat secretions (i.e. coughing, kissing). Bacterial meningitis can be quite severe and may result in brain damage, hearing loss, learning disability, or even death. Vaccines are currently available for one of the most severe forms of bacterial meningitis, meningococcus. These vaccines effectively provide immunity for most forms of meningococcus; there is no vaccine for the less severe viral-type meningitis.

More Information about Meningitis and Vaccines

  • ACWY Vaccines
  • MenB Vaccines

Hepatitis B is a viral infection of the liver caused primarily by contact with blood and other body fluids from infected persons. Hepatitis B vaccine can provide immunity against hepatitis B infection for persons at significant risk, including people who have received blood products containing the virus through transfusions, drug use, tattoos, or body piercing; people who have sex with multiple partners or with someone who is infected with the virus; and health care workers and people exposed to biomedical waste.

For complete and specific information about the required vaccines and any medical contradictions, carefully review the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — Vaccine Information Statements.

  • More Information About Hepatitis B

Medical Exemptions

If a student has certain medical conditions and/or contradictions to a vaccine, please contact our office by calling 407.824.2119 for more information.


If you have any questions in regards to locating your records or inquiring about the MMR vaccine/blood titer test, reach out to the Immunization Department via email at immunizations@ucf.edu.

If you have questions in regards to your submission to Med+Proctor, please use their Live Chat feature.

No forms will be accepted via email due to health information privacy laws.

Submission-related questions or issues?
Chat directly with Med+Proctor! Click the image to get started.
  • Live Chat available Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. EST
  • Allow up to 48 hours to process your submission during normal business hours.
  • Optional Expedite option is available for a $10 fee.  Submission is reviewed within the hour during normal business hours.  Please allow up to 2 hours for the hold to clear on your UCF record if all requirements have been met.
  • Chat with Med Proctor for status updates.
  • Contact UCF Student Health Services only if your questions are about locating vaccine records or about getting an MMR vaccine or blood titer test.

Where Can I Find My Immunization Records in Florida

Source: https://studenthealth.ucf.edu/immunizations/

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